
10 things you must know before having eyelid surgery

  1. Consult with an Oculoplastic Surgeon. Oculoplastic surgeons have completed a four-year residency in Ophthalmology and an additional two-year subspecialty training in plastic surgery around the eyes and orbit. The skin around the eyes are the thinnest in the body with many delicate and important structures nearby.
  2. Express your goals and concerns. Every treatment is individualized. During your initial consultation, Dr Avila will help you determine the best surgery for you. Come prepared with your medical history, medication list, questions, prior photos and inspiration photos to help maximize your visit.
  3. Avoid Blood Thinners. Eyelid surgery is relatively safe, however, when complications arise, it is usually due to bleeding and often from medications. During consultation, you will be told which medications are safe to take before and after surgery.
  4. You Will Bruise. Bruising is normal after any surgery and can vary dramatically for each individual. Avoiding exercise and blood thinners can help. Certain medications and supplements such as vitamin E, St John’s wort, garlic, turmeric, chia seeds, ginkgo biloba and flaxseed oil can also cause bleeding and bruising. Dr. Avila will discuss how to minimize bruising during your post-operative period.
  5. You Will Swell. Swelling is expected after any surgery. The areas around the eyes as well as the eyeball itself can swell. When the eyes become swollen, this is called chemosis and although unsightly, it will resolve. Dr. Avila will discuss how to minimize post-operative swelling.
  6. Ice, Ice, Baby. Icing constricts blood vessels and helps with bruising, swelling and pain! Ice is an important part of your after care.
  7. Rest is important. Enough said.
  8. No Smoking, no sun! Smoking can prevent adequate healing and sun exposure can worsen scarring. Optimize results by cutting back on smoking and using SPF.
  9. Be patient with recovery. It can take weeks and up to 3 months for you to completely heal. During this time, mild asymmetry between the two sides is not uncommon and should normalize after swelling and bruising subsides. You should also make accommodations for time away from work and family responsibilities.
  10. Enjoy your results! Dr. Avila prides herself in natural, youthful results. Your safety and satisfaction is her top priority.