Upper Blepharoplasty

Authentic Results, Lasting Refinement

Addressing signs of aging can prove a life-affirming process, and advances in cosmetic medicine make it easier than ever before. At her center for oculofacial plastic surgery in Miami, Dr. Sarah Avila delivers a sophisticated approach to upper blepharoplasty, practicing as a board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon with years of experience. With a focus on patient safety, authentic results, and building on each patient’s natural beauty, Dr. Avila’s approach allows patients to discover a new sense of confidence in their appearance.

What Is Upper Blepharoplasty?

Upper blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that focuses on rejuvenating and enhancing the appearance of the upper eyelids. The primary goal of upper eyelid blepharoplasty is to address issues such as excess skin, fat, and muscle in the upper eyelids, which can result in a tired or aged appearance. This procedure can also improve peripheral vision in cases where sagging eyelid skin obstructs the field of vision. Dr. Sarah Avila is an ophthalmology-trained oculofacial surgeon with additional training in eyelid and facial plastic surgery, making her an expert in the delicate structures around the eyes. Her goal with every blepharoplasty procedure is to help patients achieve an appearance that restores, maintains, and boosts their confidence in how they look.

Why Choose Upper Blepharoplasty?

Upper blepharoplasty is a routinely safe and effective way to improve the appearance of drooping or sagging eyelids that have begun to show signs of aging. When performed by an oculofacial surgeon, this procedure can help make patients look more alert and youthful while also improving their vision by removing excess skin that may be impairing their sight.​

One of the core reasons patients pursue this procedure is to match their outer and inner selves for a more authentic existence. Signs of aging can often put us at odds with how we feel inside, with our appearance seeming to be tired, fatigued, or aged while our inner lives are just as vibrant as always. Even mild signs of aging around the eyelids can have a significant impact on some patients, and this procedure aims to restore that sense of genuine self for a more harmonious quality of life.


Dr. Avila’s upper eyelid surgery in Miami offers a variety of benefits for her patients, including:
  • Improved vision in cases where excess skin was impairing sight
  • A more youthful, alert, and refreshed appearance
  • Improved ease of applying and maintaining makeup
  • Positive improvements to self-confidence and satisfaction in appearance
  • Commonly combined with brow lifts and lower blepharoplasty
  • Simple outpatient procedure that may be done under local anesthetic, light sedation, or general anesthesia.
  • Hidden incision in natural eyelid crease allows for natural results with minimal scarring.

Am I a Candidate?

If you are considering upper blepharoplasty, it is important to assess whether this procedure is an optimal solution for you. Part of Dr. Avila’s commitment to her patients is ensuring that they are always matched with the procedure that is best for them, never compromising on safety and patient well-being. Candidates for this procedure typically have sagging skin on the upper eyelids that impacts their appearance or vision. Two of the key qualities to be a candidate are to be in good overall health and to have healthy expectations. Health is vital because it centers around patient safety and the recovery process. If you have any health concerns, be sure to discuss them with Dr. Avila to see if you can safely have this procedure. Additionally, having realistic expectations is crucial for patient satisfaction. The goal of the consultation process is to match patients with the procedures or treatments that are right for them. Keep in mind that other aging processes may be causing sagging skin such as a droopy brow or a droopy eyelid muscle. In these cases, Dr. Avila may also recommend a brow lift or an eyelid ptosis repair at the same time. In severe cases where excess skin is blocking vision, your health insurance may cover the cost of upper eyelid surgery. After consultation with Dr. Avila, she will tell you if you may be eligible and if you need further tests for insurance approval. Dr. Sarah Avila is an eyelid expert and will customize a treatment plan for each patient individually to achieve a youthful, natural outcome.

Upper Blepharoplasty Procedure Overview

Upper blepharoplasty is typically an outpatient procedure and begins with Dr. Avila assessing the patient’s ocular region to determine the best approach for achieving the desired results. Most eyelid surgery can be performed under local anesthetic with or without light sedation. If combined with other oculofacial procedures, general anesthesia may also be offered. The procedure begins with an eyelid incision along the natural eyelid crease. Dr. Avila will determine the appropriate amount of excess skin and fat to remove. A common complication of surgery performed by inexperienced surgeons is the removal of too much skin, leaving the patient unable to close their eyes which can lead to dry eyes, cornea problems, and severe ocular complications. This is why choosing an eyelid expert in oculofacial surgery is of utmost importance. Dr. Avila prides herself in safe, natural, and consistent results. In most cases, the total duration of surgery lasts about an hour. You will return home the same day with post-operative instructions. However, patients will need someone to drive them, so we encourage planning ahead with a friend, family member, or driver.

How Long Is the Recovery?

After the procedure, patients will experience swelling and bruising around their eyes, but these generally are easy to manage with rest, medication, and post-procedure care. These side effects typically subside after a few days but can last a few weeks and in some cases up to three months.

Dr. Avila typically recommends avoiding any physical activity for at least 1 week to ensure optimal recovery and results from upper blepharoplasty. After your post-procedure checkup visit with Dr. Avila, you will receive additional personalized instructions based on your recovery progress. Most patients can return to their complete routine within a couple of weeks to a month. However, it remains vital to fully follow your post-procedure care instructions. Not only are these instructions vital for promoting a safe recovery, but they also are beneficial to your final results. Smoother healing means better outcomes in the long run.

When Will I See the Results?

The results of upper blepharoplasty will become visible after the swelling and bruising subside, typically a week or two following the procedure. However, patients may notice some results sooner than that, as the changes from the procedure are immediate. As the swelling goes down, patients will increasingly be able to enjoy their results.

The full effects of this procedure are usually seen within a few months as the skin regains its elasticity, residual swelling fully subsides, and the tissues settle into their new position. If patients have any questions about the progress of their results, we encourage them to reach out to Dr. Avila’s office for additional information or advice.

Are the Results Permanent?

While the changes of an upper blepharoplasty are permanent, the process of aging continues. However, patients can enjoy their results for years, and healthy lifestyle choices can help preserve your results even further. By avoiding health hazards such as heavy drinking or smoking, patients can reduce their risk of premature aging (among other health concerns). Additionally, excess sun exposure can play a significant role in aging the skin of the face (and the rest of the body). We encourage patients to always wear sunscreen when outside and limit excessive exposure (such as long visits to the beach).

Can You Combine With Other Procedures?

In some cases, upper eyelid surgery can be safely combined with other procedures to create a more comprehensive rejuvenation plan. Commonly combined procedures include brow lifts, eyelid ptosis repair, fat grafts and laser treatments, depending on the patient’s individual goals. A brow lift focuses on the forehead area, a facelift improves aging around the face, and laser treatments boost the body’s natural regenerative processes. Additionally, patients may choose to combine upper and lower blepharoplasty into what is called quad blepharoplasty. This effective combination allows for results that balance rejuvenation of the upper and lower eyelid areas for a brighter, more natural look.

During the initial consultation, Dr. Avila will assess your personal needs and discuss various options for achieving optimal results. One of the key advantages of combining procedures is that you can complete your cosmetic surgery goals in a single day. Patients who spread out their surgeries will have to experience multiple periods of downtime and recovery, which can prove unpleasant and inconvenient. However, combining surgeries is not for every patient, so we ensure that the consultation process fully informs our patients of the projected benefits and drawbacks of these options.

How Much Does Upper Blepharoplasty Cost in Miami?

The cost of upper blepharoplasty will vary depending on the complexity of your case, as every procedure has unique aspects of its design according to the patient’s individual goals and eyelid structures. Once Dr. Avila has assessed the area and determined a course of action, she will provide you with an estimate for the necessary procedures, as well as the payment options available. While cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance, we work with patients to explore financing options to allow them to receive care that can be positively life changing.
Book Your Visit With Dr. Sarah Avila

If you are considering eyelid surgery in Miami, we encourage you to book your consultation with Dr. Sarah Avila today. Her meticulous attention to detail and artistic eye for facial features ensure she can deliver the highest quality results to make you look and feel your best. Contact her practice today to schedule an appointment and begin with your one-on-one consultation with a leading oculofacial plastic surgeon.

Sarah Avila image
Sarah Avila, MD
Board Certification: Oculofacial Plastic Surgery
Specialization: Eyelid Surgery & Aesthetics

Dr. Sarah Avila is an oculofacial plastic surgeon in Miami, Florida. After completing medical school, Dr. Avila completed a residency in ophthalmology at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, followed by a highly competitive two-year ASOPRS-accredited fellowship in reconstructive and cosmetic oculofacial surgery at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. During this fellowship, Dr. Avila focused on plastic surgery related to the eyelids, brows, lacrimal duct system, orbit, and face.

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